About us: Better, smarter and safer together
Elektrolas has been a strong partner for more than 20 years when it comes to welding. With our five services we became a point of contact for production, engineering, work preparation, quality and management within a company. Our skilled welding technicians in combination with their practical experience make us the ideal partner for the manufacturing industry.
Elektrolas is a family business that was started in 2000 by Joost van den Hooven. Initially, the business consisted of the sale and maintenance of welding equipment. Over the years, the company gradually expanded. First with rentals. After the European regulation EN 1090 in 2013, the services Training and Quality Management were added to Elektrolas' range of services. The premises have been expanded, the in-house Welding School has been built and the services have been bundled into the Disk-of-five. Elektrolas focuses on supporting companies in innovating, automating and organizing processes. In 2022, the welding automation service was officially added to the range of services.

Better, smarter and safer together
Elektrolas wants to be and remain the best partner within the welding industry of products and services that fit the welding shop of tomorrow. With our knowledge, skills and enthusiasm we are an enrichment within the welding industry, we help companies to make improvements in production and organization. Better, smarter and safer together! Our services allow us to add value to our clients' operations from design to completion, our innovative approach allows our clients to compete better, we share our knowledge and go for good partnership.
Our overall approach
Elektrolas has the knowledge and resources to help any company where welding is taking place. With our five services, we offer welding technology support in the complete business operation: design phase, production and quality assurance. It is imperative that designs are feasible and meet quality requirements. We also look at what optimizations can be implemented in the organization and the production process. And we ensure that the continuity of production remains guaranteed.
Elektrolas is a single point of contact. We guarantee quality, provide training, innovate processes, sell and rent products and offer service for welding accessories. That is our Five-Plus. Five services that reinforce each other. This is how we ensure that our customers are ready for the future.

Innovating - The welding workshop of tomorrow
The scarcity of good professionals and the increasing complexity of welding activities make it necessary to redesign the organization and production processes. In doing so, our customers often face three challenges:
- Innovating: moving with the changes in the market strengthens the competitive position.
- Atomization: the demand for increasingly smaller series with greater diversity is increasing and there is a shortage of personnel.
- Organization: Due to limited raw materials and increasing delivery times, companies are bringing their production back to the Netherlands. In addition, the burden of proof and reproducibility are becoming increasingly important.
We are giving a clear advice, where customer interest is our priority. We are proactive, innovative and have a laugh with our customers.
24/7 Service
We are always available to our customers. In this way we can react fast and adequate in situations that ask for this. This is how we ensure the continuity of our customer's production.
Our welding portal
This is a unique online platform containing all the components of the disc-of-five. With this we offer our clients overview, structure and certainty. All documentation and tools are clearly accessible from a single dashboard. Backorders, order lists, service schedules, machines with documentation. As well as diplomas and certifications of the welders in Certibank. Purchasing systems can be linked.
Read more about our welding portal

Sharing knowledge
Having knowledge is might, but sharing this knowledge is power. We believe in informing the market and helping it to innovate. To make our clients think about how they can design their business processes even better, smarter and safer.
We share our knowledge through; inspiration sessions, demonstrations and welding advice video’s. In addition, we believe it is important to get the youth excited about technology and welding in particular. We do this by being at open days of companies and schools and with our own project ‘een kind kan de las doen’ (a child can do the welding).
Read more about our inspiration sessions.
Working at Elektrolas
When it comes to welding! Elektrolas is an accessible hands-on company where it is great to work. The Elektrolas team is there for its customers. With vigor and enthusiasm. With knowledge and experience. The result: a production process of consistent quality, with the assurance that our customers employers can continue to count on them.
Elektrolas is a recognized training company
SBB has two objectives: to give students the best practical training with job prospects and to provide companies with the professionals they need now and in the future. Elektrolas is an accredited training company of SBB. Are you looking for a good apprenticeship? Get in contact with us.
Take a look at our team.

Our overall approach