Cobot solutions: our cobot can offer more

Universal offers several cobots on the market. Elektrolas deliberately chose the UR10E because the UR10E is a collaborative industrial robotic arm that spans wide workspaces with a payload of 12.5 kg and a reach of 1300 mm without sacrificing accuracy. Despite its wide reach, the cobot is compact and, with its light weight (33.5 kg), easy to move. The "e" stands for the force of up to 100 newtons it can output and receive. With this feature, the cobot is ale to search for welds and thus less sensitive to deviations in a product. 

Cobot - basic set

The UR 10 has a high reach and the "E" indicates that the cobot can output and receive force up to (up to 100 netons). As a result, this cobot is able to search the weld seam and is less sensitive to deviations in the product. The user interface is compact and lightweight with higher resolution.
  • Cobot roboarm UR10E
  • Screenprojector teach panel
  • Cover teach panel
  • Control box
  • Remote control
  • YOUring
Included éxtra additions from Elektrolas:
  • Training
  • URcap software ELLAS
  • Installation 

Assembly of the cobot

The cobot is easy to move because of the light weight. But it is nessecary that the cobot is mounted during use. The type of mounting. The type of mounting for the cobot depends on what it will be used for. Therefore we have different mountage options. 

Nylon base plate
Fixed attachment for welding table.

Magnetic Base 
For a flexible and easy movement. 

The cobot is suspended above the welding table, leaving the work table completely free.

Track with runner and a control box
Extends the range of the cobot, which can move 3 to 6 meters along the track.

Cobot applications

For the cobot welding programming, you don't need to be an experienced programmer. For using the software, you have to use only one button on the cobot. Besides that, there are many solutions for the cobot applications. As such as a multilayer welding, circle welding and program copying. Therefore, Elektrolas offers several software options to have a solution for every single question. 

✓ URcap ONE software
Smooth tool
✓ Garmo welding seam tracking sensor
✓ Interface weldingmachine


MIG/MAG welding with the cobot

With our knowledge of welding technology, we advised several suppliers in the development of the special robot torches. For example, we ensured that the freedrive is attached to the torch, the shape of the gooseneck is such that it extends into the centre of the cobot and the torch is more robust.

Translas extraction torch in combination with extraction unit
Reduces welding fumes up to 98% and has a unique cash top for maximum durability. The vacuum extraction unit can accommodate up to two welding fume extraction torches.

Engmar extraction torch 350A Atmoflow
The Engmar is a welding torch including extraction, As a result, the torch is also water-cooled, that makes wleding more pleasant.

Binzel torch set ABIROB W500
Robust goosenecks with schriefable ceramic gas nozzles and replaceable contact tip holder.

Binzel Push Pull WH 500 torch 
Specially designed for welding alminium wire and thin wires.

TIG welding with the cobot

In addition to many other welding options for the cobot, special torches have been developed for TIG welding. The type of torch for on the cobot depends on what will be welded, during TIG welding. 

Binzel torch ABITIG MT 400 W
For the purchose of fluxing. Has a length of 4 meters with an executed spiral tube for cobot application. 

Binzel torch ABITIG MT
Has a length of 4 meters with spiral tube for cobot application. Includes torch holder, torch bracket and freedrive in torch.

Carpano cold wire feeder
An automatic wire feeder with a solid 4-roll drive for stable wire feed of hard and soft welding wires. 

Extra cobot applications

Our expertise goed beyond welding! It gives us satisfaction to help our customers in all areas of welding and around welding. That is why we offer éxtra applications to make the cobot multi-purpose, such as the quick-change system that allows tools to be changed within 30 seconds. 

✓ Plasma cutting with hypertherm plasma cutter
✓ Grinding with angle air grinder
✓ Pop riveting with a semi-automatic pop riveter
✓ Stud welding with a taylor 
✓ Oxyfuel cutting



If you have any questions or comments about cobots, we will be happy to help you. Our specialists are ready to help you!

Onze totaalaanpak - De Schijf van Vijf

Alle kennis en middelen rond lasvragen hebben wij in eigen huis. Wij één aanspreekpunt voor alle betrokkenen in het lasproces, van aanbesteding tot kwaliteitscontrole. Elektrolas is een totaalaanbieder op lasgebied.  We zijn een totaalaanbieder op lasgebied. We borgen kwaliteit, geven scholing, innoveren processen, verkopen en verhuren producten en bieden service op lasbenodigdheden.. Dat is onze Schijf van Vijf. Vijf diensten die elkaar versterken. Zo zorgen wij dat onze klanten klaar zijn voor de toekomst.