Elektrolas certificated system integrator
Elektrolas is a certified system integrator of Universal Robots. Universal Robots is the global leader in the field of cobots. Innovative developments are also brought to market by Universal Robots. Our job is to play the developments to the customer so that we can all grow and collaborate together.
Elektrolas your automation partner
If you have product and you would like to investigate whether automation is an opportunity, Elektrolas can help you with all your welding or welding automation problems. With our welding knowledge and experience with automation, we can advise and support you from start to finish. From feasibility to the first welded and approved work pieces.
Our roadmap in 7 steps:
Our roadmap in 7 steps:
- Acquaintance & introduction
- Feasibility test
- Demonstration
- Engineering & customization
- Delivery
- Masterclasses
- Our service
Furthermore, Eleketrolas is a certified system integrator of Universal Robots and ABB robitics in regards to cobots and robots.
Elektrolas offers more than just hardware
Together with the customer, we will look for the best solution for the current production process.
During the demonstration moment we will take you step by step. This way you can easily get acquainted with the cobot. Also, it is possible to discuss any requirements, so that we can look for an appropriate solution.
- We will educate your employees
- we stay involved
- we write cobot welding programs (such as multilayer welding, weld seam search)
During the demonstration moment we will take you step by step. This way you can easily get acquainted with the cobot. Also, it is possible to discuss any requirements, so that we can look for an appropriate solution.
From feasibility to maintenance
What is the best automation solution for your product depends on several factors. Do you want to increase quality, increase output, overcome staff shortages or improve ergonomics? Elektrolas always starts with a feasibility study. In our practice room we have several setups (welding, cutting, sanding, moving and more) with which we accomplish that.
Afther we give you a demonstration of the possibilities, we will make a quotation. Besides that, we will take care of the installation and training your employees. Also, we are always available for questions, service and maintenance to ensure the continuity of the cobot / robot.
Afther we give you a demonstration of the possibilities, we will make a quotation. Besides that, we will take care of the installation and training your employees. Also, we are always available for questions, service and maintenance to ensure the continuity of the cobot / robot.
If you have any questions or comments about cobots, we will be happy to help you. Our specialists are ready to help you!
Onze totaalaanpak - De Schijf van Vijf
Alle kennis en middelen rond lasvragen hebben wij in eigen huis. Wij één aanspreekpunt voor alle betrokkenen in het lasproces, van aanbesteding tot kwaliteitscontrole. Elektrolas is een totaalaanbieder op lasgebied. We zijn een totaalaanbieder op lasgebied. We borgen kwaliteit, geven scholing, innoveren processen, verkopen en verhuren producten en bieden service op lasbenodigdheden.. Dat is onze Schijf van Vijf. Vijf diensten die elkaar versterken. Zo zorgen wij dat onze klanten klaar zijn voor de toekomst.