Inspection test plan (ITP)

An Inspection and Test Plan provides a systematic overview of all tests and assessments to be performed, when they will be performed, by which party they will be performed, according to which standard or procedure, and what the approval and rejection criteria are. Using an Inspection and Test Plan gives you the ability to carefully control all inspection points during production.

Quality assurance throughout the production process

Quality of a product cannot be created only at the quality control, it must be included in the production process. To be able to guarantee this, important activities, requirements and acceptance criteria must be drawn up in advance. An Inspection and Test Plan is a good and important document for this. It describes the assessment methods and frequencies of inspections. In this way, it is clear to all parties involved what is expected and after which operations so-called hold- and witness points (stop points) are planned.

Multiple parties involved in ITP

An Inspection and Test Plan involves several parties. The supplier, Class, end customer and we as QC for you. 

  • In the first meeting all requirements, acceptance criteria and inspection points are defined. A pre-meeting is often held prior to the inspections. It is discussed which points of the ITP will be implemented.
  • The inspections and tests take place under the watchful eye of the "Class". The tests that are approved are stamped by all parties.
  • After each test, a report is made, also called NCR (Non Conformation Record). This includes the deficiencies and solutions discussed on site. This will need to be resolved by the supplier before the next inspection.

When all inspections and tests have been performed, the documentation is checked. Because more and more documents are added during production, it is often a book of over 100 pages. This is also called an MDB (Manufacturing Data Book).

Our specialists can support you

If the welded constructions become more complex or if the customer or inspection authority so desires, we can draw up an Inspection and Testing Plan for you which will then run as a thread through the entire production process. Quality guaranteed. Would you like more information about what we can do for you? Let us contact you.

Our overall approach

When it comes to welding, Elektrolas has all the knowledge and resources in-house. We are a point of contact for all those involved in the welding process, from tendering to quality control. We are a total provider in the welding field. We secure quality, offer training, sell, rent and service on welding equipment. This is our disc-of-five. Five services that reinforce each other. That is how we ensure that our customers are ready for the future.