Our Welding Portal
This is a unique online platform containing all the components of the disc-of-five. With this we offer our clients overview, structure and certainty. All documentation and tools are clearly accessible from a single dashboard. Backorders, order lists, service schedules, machines with documentation. As well as diplomas and certifications of the welders in Certibank. Purchasing systems can be linked.
Working paperless with Our Welding Portal
The advantages at a glance:
- Quick and easy ordering via your list of favorites
- Always insight into current orders
- Safety inspections of your machine park are always up-to-date
- Overview of all welders' certificates
- Track the progress of employees in training

Functionalities in Our Welding Portal
You'll never have to search for your current orders again. Our welding portal is your safe and convenient order environment. Your favorites are directly visible. So you can order quickly and efficiently. Our welding portal can also be linked to your purchasing system.
Machinery overview
Snel inzage in de onderhoudsrapporten, veiligheidscertificaten en verificatiecertificaten van jouw machinepark? Je vindt jouw informatie in Onze Lasportal. Ook de onderdelentekeningen van je apparatuur kun je hier raadplegen. Bovendien vraag je hier gemakkelijk jouw reparatie/service aanvraag aan.
Certificate management
Thanks to Certibank, you have all your welder certificates in view at all times. You can see exactly which welder is qualified for which job and when the certificate expires. We inform you proactively and plan a new qualification with you. You can also request material certificates. So you are always up-to-date and ready for any project.
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Our overall approach
When it comes to welding, elektrolas has all the knowledge and resources in-house. We are a point of contact for all those involved in the welding process, from tendering to quality control. We are a total provider in the welding field. We secure quality, offer training, sell, rent and service on welding equipment. This is our disc-of-five. Five services that reinforce each other. That is how we ensure that our customers are ready for the future.