Smooth Tool cobot software
The Smooth Tool cobot software is an user-friendly solution for al your welding operations with the cobot. This software offers you a high flexibility to make right weldings. Besides that, it is compatible with the URe series. Moreover, Smooth Tool cobot fotware has a 3D display on the teach panel, in this case you can see at a glance which weld you are going to lay. Overall the Smooth Tool cobot software make the welder's job easier than before!
Smooth Tool: solutions
Thanks to the Smooth Tool cobot software, you will deliver the best welding. Because, the Smooth Tool cobot software gives the full control to the welder during the welding process.
- Multilayer welding: easily set by the welder
- Offset welding: copy complete welds
- Chain welding: set your chain weld with parameters
- Shuttling: set up with a few clicks
- 3D universe: the welding program directly in 3D view
- Compatible with different welding devices
- Pramming flange: show the cobot how you want the welding to be done
Smooth Tool cobot software
The Smooth Tool cobot softwae is easy to install on the Universal Robots teach pendant. In few clicks the set up is ready for the welding process. Besides that, we deliver a cobot system included a cobot training.
Even the welding parameters van be set from the teach pendant. The software can communicate with virtually and brand of welding equipement.
Even the welding parameters van be set from the teach pendant. The software can communicate with virtually and brand of welding equipement.
A simple welding program in 4 steps
Step 1 Approach:
Place the point above the object where you are oin to weld.
Step 2 Start Welding:
Set the starting oint of your welding path (arc on).
Step 3 End welding:
Set the end point of your weld path (arc off).
Step 4 Exit:
Set the point above the object where the welding will end.
Place the point above the object where you are oin to weld.
Step 2 Start Welding:
Set the starting oint of your welding path (arc on).
Step 3 End welding:
Set the end point of your weld path (arc off).
Step 4 Exit:
Set the point above the object where the welding will end.
The welding industry is changing: are you evolving with it?
The use of automated robotic welding used to be exclusive to large manufactures that required high volumes of identical welds in their production process. But today, thanks to the development of cobots, robotic welding offers significant benefits to manufacturing companies of all sizes. As Darwin once said, "it is not the strongest species that survives, but the one that adapts best of changes in its environment. With the adoption of robotic welding, your company can adapt to changing market needs and compete on a level laying field with the larger players in the industry
If you have any questions or comments about cobots, we will be happy to help you. Our specialists are ready to help you!
Onze totaalaanpak - De Schijf van Vijf
Alle kennis en middelen rond lasvragen hebben wij in eigen huis. Wij één aanspreekpunt voor alle betrokkenen in het lasproces, van aanbesteding tot kwaliteitscontrole. Elektrolas is een totaalaanbieder op lasgebied. We zijn een totaalaanbieder op lasgebied. We borgen kwaliteit, geven scholing, innoveren processen, verkopen en verhuren producten en bieden service op lasbenodigdheden.. Dat is onze Schijf van Vijf. Vijf diensten die elkaar versterken. Zo zorgen wij dat onze klanten klaar zijn voor de toekomst.