Böhler Welding UV 421 TT onderpoederdek poeder Prijs per kg, 25kg per zak


UV 421 TT is an agglomerated fluoride basic flux for submerged arc welding of unalloyed and low alloyed steel grades. It has a high basicity and neutral metallurgical behaviour and is designed for medium and high strength fine grained structural steels. This flux finds its main application in welding shops as the multi-purpose flux to cover the widest range of applications in as welded and PWHT applications. It can be combined with many wire-grades types (solid and cored), supported by the widest collection of approvals. Suited for very good toughness properties and CTOD values in as welded condition and PWHT-condition. In general the flux gives a very nice bead appearance with very good slag release, even in narrow weld preparations.
Böhler Welding UV 421 TT onderpoederdek poeder Prijs per kg, 25kg per zak


Class en iso S A FB 1 55 AC H5
Merk Böhler Welding
Bestellen per 25
